Tuesday 24 February 2009

Bladder Problems and D-Mannose

If you are someone who has experienced the pain, distress and inconvenience of recurring bladder infections/cystitis, then you may be interested to know about Waterfall D-Mannose.
Waterfall D-Mannose has developed an outstanding reputation for supporting a healthy bladder and urinary tract.

Waterfall D-Mannose is a pure natural glyconutrient extract of Sweet European Forest Timbers, used to support a healthy bladder. Word of the product has spread from person to person, and from therapist to therapist, worldwide. It is a very pure grade product, and we firmly believe there is nothing better on the market. With Waterfall D-Mannose soluble powder, you just get pure natural 100% bio-active D-Mannose.

It supports a healthy bladder by providing bio-available mannose to the urine. People with a naturally healthy bladder usually have sufficient mannose in their urine. Some people may not have enough. If you supplement your diet with additional mannose, this is a natural way to help maintain bladder health.

For more information and to purchase D-Mannose please CLICK HERE

Despite the common myth that cranberry juice helps bladder problems, E.coli, the usual bacteria involved, can metabolise the hippuric acid that cranberry puts into the urine, and this makes things worse for most people. Most cranberries contain no D-Mannose. Some contain a little, but not nearly enough to make it financially viable to extract it. It would take tons of fresh cranberries to make a small packet of D-Mannose.

Over the last 6 years Waterfall D-Mannose has earned an excellent reputation for supporting a healthy bladder and urinary tract. Since you are reading this, it is probably exactly what you are looking for. It is 100% safe, even taken frequently over an extended period, it gives immediate bladder support, and it brings additional benefits with long term use. The longer you take it, the healthier your bladder becomes.

For more information and to purchase D-Mannose please

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